Wednesday, 4 November 2009


"He said he doesn't mind so long as he's not miles away"
"Will you eat that?"
"They're like little cigars, that shape?"
"Yes I want the best of both worlds"
"They're £10, they're £7"
"She doesn't listen Mum"
"Do you want any ordinary biscuits?"
"You'll have to walk and look wont you"
"I was counting all the way through, then I lost count"
"We've all got our own corner but we talk about things"
"I don't know what she's doing"
"If you could talk have heard her!"
"Well I have to say that this girl you cannot evaluate in two sessions"
"I'm really pleased with this, totally overspending!"
"If you're the parent!"
"Sue and I, we dealt with it"
"I'm following you"
"It's not very strong is it?"
"I've had a bit of a rough ride, I've got a friend who's an alcoholic"
"He fell over"
"John, you were drunk and you must stop drinking!"
"I told him time and time again but he took no notice"
"When you're dry you feel much healthier"
"You wake up in the morning and you feel like you're dying"
"I was on a bottle of vodka a day"
"I can smell his breath"
"Sue rang up one day and I said I don't know what's happening"
"I'm gonna do the ironing now"
"Tonight I should be there really"
"You get in a viscous circle"
"I get annoyed because people say stop"
"Coffee and cigarettes go really well together"
"How long did it take to detox?"
"There's lots of issues"
"He's going to Zimbabwe soon with his Mrs"
"Everyone else is drinking around you"
"I worry about his Wife, she drinks wine"
"Why shouldn't you enjoy your social life?"
"Whatever anyone else does i'm happy"
"It's my decision, whether I do or not"
"You reward yourself if you work hard during the day"