Friday, 16 October 2009


Project Purple Poole

Project Purple Poole is a new project to set up activities for the over 55’s in Poole. Building on the success of Project Purple in Bournemouth (activities include Gentle Yoga, Computer Classes & an Explorers Group) the project is being expanded to Poole. The aim is to set up a range of social and health improving activities for the over 55’s across the Borough.

Is there an activity that you’ve always wanted to try?

Want to volunteer with us and lead an activity of your choice? We would be very interested to hear from people of all ages to become leaders for various activities across Poole including, but not limited to; walking, Tai Chi, painting or crafts, a theatre group and for excursions, quizzies, knitting, dancing, bowling, cooking/cake decorating, sewing, book clubs, drawing and scrabble! If you have an interest in any of these or even something different please get in touch.

My view: I find this local campaign really interesting as their aim is to get the elderly active and help them to socialise. There is potential to create imagery for a poster or to promote the events they hold. I have contacted Steph Quinn to find out if this could be a possibility.