I visited 'help the aged' to see what they are up to in terms of helping out the elderly, and have found a campaign for innocent smoothies, called the big knit.
I have seen the bottles with little hats on before and have bought a few myself in the past. They come on sale on the 5th of November and I thought it might be nice if I could create a few illustrations of the elderly warm and happy as innocent are aiming to raise money for them to have a hot christmas dinner and stay warm during the cold months!
I have sent an email to innocent this morning, and am so hoping they reply it will be a lovely project to do I think! There are some nice little phrases in their informative text such as 'hot christmas dinners all round' and 'boosting their spirits!" so plenty of potential for creating illustrations.
Wouldn't it be lovely if they said they would post them onto their blog!! :-)
Keeping fingers crossed, but in the meantime I will be looking for other opportunities!...